Hi Eric Danison here with another nutrition blog! Today I’ll be discussing one of the biggest distractions to those of us that live a healthy lifestyle… Junk food.

Eric Danison’s thoughts on junk food and it’s impact on healthy ‘clean’ diets

Now the common saying is that a healthy lifestyle is 70% diet and 30% exercise. Many people lose their way in that 70% by filling their diet with poor decisions and fast answers to a hungry belly. The question a lot of people want to know is; how much junk food can I eat before it impacts on my lifestyle or gains!

Of course there is no one answer for everyone and it’s worth noting that some people may respond far better to junk food than others, we all have that one friend that stays in shape no matter how bad their diet is! However this article is for the rest of us.

The obvious answer to the question of ‘how much junk food can you eat and stay healthy?’ is eat less and it’s better for you, great work Mr Danison for stating the obvious. The real answers depend on your goal, again they won’t apply to everyone.

Gaining muscle mass

If your goal is to really put on some size and muscle mass then your diet first and foremost is about getting a little bit too much of the things you need. So long as you get those a little bit of junk food may put some extra fat on the handles but won’t impact too badly on muscle gains.

Percentage of your diet that can be junk: 4-7% depending on how active you are. 

Lowering body fat percentage

If your goal is to slim down and be the most defined, vascular and shredded you can be then you may take a different stance to the bulker. To really maximise a cutting regime you have to be very consistent and strict with yourself. Any junk food at all may have an impact on your progress.

Percentage of your diet that can be junk: 0-2% Depending on how low your body fat percentage is

Training for sport

Okay if you’re training for an active sport it’s more focused on the exercise element of your training than specifically building muscle or getting shredded. But what does that mean for your junk food cravings? Usually your diet would have to be good but if you’re not too bothered about gaining muscle or losing fat then you can get away with a little more indulgence than your gym going friends.

Percentage of your diet that can be junk: 1-10% Depending on your sport and your level

The average person who just wants to be healthy

If you’re just looking to feel better and healthier on the inside without too much strenuous exercise then eating clean can be a great way to do that. A bag of crisps every now and again won’t harm your body too much as long as the vast majority of your diet is on point!

Percentage of your diet that can be junk: 2-10% Depending on your sport and your level

Eric Danison’s summary

I know it’s a cliché but whatever your goal a clean and healthy diet is the way forward. The less junk food the better but now and then sit back and enjoy food for the wonderful thing that it is.

I hope you enjoyed Eric Danison – Junk food on a diet? If you want to know any more about creating the ideal diet check out my links below:

Eric Danison’s advice on how to make a meal plan
Eric Danisons basic macronutrient calculation

Eric Danison Top Tip: Studies actually show that eating a food you enjoy every so often can help you stay in shape and stay healthy as it relieves stress!