Hi there Eric Danison here with some more nutrition advice to share!

Eric Danison gives his advice on how much beer you can have on a diet

Okay so beer isn’t for everyone, generally it’s a love or hate thing, similar to fitness and nutrition in that sense. Broadly speaking you either enjoy it or you don’t.

Those of us who love a pint of the good stuff as well as loving the hard work and effort to be fit, often wonder if that pint is affecting our gains. Don’t fear Eric Danison is here with more advice to help.

Okay so you’re out with friends and they decide they’ve had enough of the soft drinks, it’s time to have a proper beverage. You’re up for it, you want that cold crisp ale in your hand… but then the fear kicks in, is this going to ruin that last gym session? How hard am I going to need to work to loose those empty calories?

Many fitness fanatics stay away from alcoholic beverages altogether. No empty calories, no hangover, no problem right? There are many reasons for this and they’re all good one’s, but life’s too short to be tied down to water and cranberry juice. So, Eric Danison, what’s the compromise? Tell us?!!! Well the truth is the more you drink the worse it’ll be, big shock there, thanks Danison… But how much is too much?

Much of it depends on your age, ability to consume alcohol and your general reaction to hangovers. But here are Eric Danison’s rough guidelines for alcohol consumption to hit your fitness goals:

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If you’re trying to gain muscle mass and size drinking isn’t ideal as you really need to fuel your muscles with the best possible foods, alcohol isn’t that and it’s a lesson a certain Eric Danison learnt the hard way. But so long as you keep it sensible you can still have a good night out every few weeks, when building muscle I would say it’s best not to drink regularly even if it’s small amounts.

If you’re cutting and really trying to shape your physique, again alcohol isn’t going to be great for you due to the empty calories that will no doubt go straight to the places you’re trying to lean up. However if you’re really prepared to work them off the next few days you should be okay to have a few every now and again.

Be warned… If you’re cutting for competition ignore that advice and don’t touch alcohol in any form! Otherwise you’ll end up looking like Eric Danison Senior after an all you can eat roast!

If you’re goals are sports and performance related it will as per usual depend on your level of sport. If you’re playing for fun, university level etc. Then you probably can get away with drinking at your fancy, if you’re taking things more seriously then lay of the bevs until after the game!

Eric Danison’s summary:

Alcohol consumption for the fitness fanatic is a tricky thing to get right. It’s not going to be good for you but unless you’re an elite athlete you can still enjoy a cold one every now and again.

Please let me know your thoughts on Eric Danison – Beer on a diet? and the different tips you use to stay in shape.